Installing, Porting & Running Community Earth System Model

Required libraries & packages

Model Source:

These are the libraries and compilers required for CESM.

  • Unix-like operating system (Linux: Ubuntu)

  • Git version 1.8 or newer

  • Apache Subversion

  • Basic important package

    • C, C++, & Fortran compilers (GNU compilers)

    • Perl, C-make, G-make, automake, python etc.

  • ZLIB library

  • HDF library

  • netCDF-C library

  • netCDF-Fortran library

  • Parallel-NetCDF (PnetCDF) library

  • LAPACK and BLAS libraries (Linear Algebra Package)

  • MPI environment (MPICH2 )

Installing Basic Package

# Go to home directory
cd ~ 

# Updating the packages list
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

sudo apt install gcc g++ gfortran libtool automake autoconf \ 
make m4 default-jre default-jdk csh ksh tcsh okular cmake time \
xorg openbox xauth git python3 python3-dev python2 python2-dev \
cmake mlocate perl

GIT Installation

Git is a free & open source distributed version control system (VCS).

sudo apt install git
sudo apt install git-core

# To check the version of Git
git --version

git version 2.34.1

Apache Subversion Installation

# Install Apache HTTP Web server
sudo apt install apache2 apache2-utils -y

# Start the Apache service
sudo systemctl start apache2

# Enable the service to start on system boot
sudo systemctl enable apache2

# Install all required dependencies
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-svn subversion-tools libsvn-dev -y

# Install Subversion
sudo apt install subversion -y

# Enable Apache modules to run SVN
sudo a2enmod dav
sudo a2enmod dav_svn

# Restart the Apache service
sudo systemctl restart apache2

Downloading & Installing Main Libraries

# Go to home directory
cd $HOME

# Make Installation directories
mkdir -p CESM/Downloads/
mkdir -p CESM/Libs/

# Set Installation Path 
export ZLIBDIR=$HOME/CESM/Libs/zlib-1.2.12
export HDF5DIR=$HOME/CESM/Libs/hdf5-1_12_2
export NETCDFCDIR=$HOME/CESM/Libs/netcdf-c-4.9.0
export NETCDFFDIR=$HOME/CESM/Libs/netcdf-fortran-4.6.0
export PNETCDFDIR=$HOME/CESM/Libs/pnetcdf-1.12.3
export MPICHDIR=$HOME/CESM/Libs/mpich-4.0.2

Download & Install ZLIB

# Downloading zlib
cd $HOME/CESM/Downloads/
wget -c -4

# Unpack the tar file
tar -xvzf v1.2.12.tar.gz
cd zlib-1.2.12/

# Configure and Install Zlib
CC= CXX= ./configure --prefix=$ZLIBDIR
make install
make check

Download & Install HDF5

# Downloading HDF5
cd $HOME/CESM/Downloads/
wget -c -4

# Unpack the tar file
tar -xvzf hdf5-1_12_2.tar.gz
cd hdf5-1_12_2

# Setting the environment 

# Configure and Install HDF5
./configure --prefix=$HDF5DIR --with-zlib=$ZLIBDIR --enable-hl --enable-fortran
make install
make check

Download & Install netCDF-C

# Downloading netCDF
cd $HOME/CESM/Downloads/
wget -c -4

# Unpack the tar file
tar -xzvf v4.9.0.tar.gz
cd netcdf-c-4.9.0/

# Setting the environment 
CPPFLAGS="-I$HDF5DIR/include -I$ZLIBDIR/include""

# Configure and Install netCDF-C
./configure --prefix=$NETCDFCDIR --disable-dap
make install
make check

# Check netCDF-C installation parameters
nc-config --version
nc-config --all

Download & Install netCDF-Fortran

# Downloading netCDF-fortran
cd $HOME/CESM/Downloads/
wget -c -4

# Unpack the tar file
tar -xvzf v4.6.0.tar.gz
cd netcdf-fortran-4.6.0/

# Setting the environment 

# Configure and Install netCDF-fortran
./configure --prefix=$NETCDFFDIR --disable-shared
make install
make check

# Check netCDF fortran installation parameters
nf-config --all

Download & Install PnetCDF

# Downloading PnetCDF
cd $HOME/CESM/Downloads/
wget -c -4

# Unpack the tar file
tar -xvzf pnetcdf-1.12.3.tar.gz
cd pnetcdf-1.12.3

# Setting the environment 
export MPICC=mpicc
export MPICXX=mpicxx
export MPIFC=mpifort

# Configure and Install PnetCDF
./configure --prefix=${PNETCDFDIR} --enable-shared --enable-fortran --enable-profiling --enable-large-file-test
make tests
make check
make ptest
make ptests
make install

Download & Install MPICH

# Downloading MPICH
cd $HOME/CESM/Downloads/
wget -c -4

# Unpack the tar file
tar -xvzf mpich-4.0.2.tar.gz
cd mpich-4.0.2/

# Configure and Install MPICH
F90= ./configure --prefix=$MPICHDIR --with-device=ch3 FFLAGS=$fallow_argument FCFLAGS=$fallow_argument
make install
make check

Download & Install LAPACK & BLAS

# Download the lapack package
cd ~
sudo wget

# Unpack the tar file
sudo tar -xzvf lapack-3.9.0.tar.gz

# Open folder in ~/lapack-3.9.0/
cd lapack-3.9.0

# Copy the into
sudo cp

# Install the blaslib and lapacklib library
sudo make blaslib
sudo make lapacklib

# Make a link:
sudo ln -s $HOME/lapack-3.9.0/librefblas.a /usr/local/lib/libblas.a
sudo ln -s $HOME/lapack-3.9.0/liblapack.a /usr/local/lib/liblapack.a

Getting the CESM Model Source Code

cd ~
# In case python is not install 
# sudo apt install python-is-python3

# Clone the CESM repositoy using git:
git clone my_cesm_sandbox

# This will create a directory my_cesm_sandbox/ in your current working directory.
# Go to the my_cesm_sandbox folder 
cd my_cesm_sandbox

# Select what version of CESM you want
# To see what CESM tags are available:
# First view the available  CESM versions:
git tag

# To view CESM2 relases 
git tag --list 'release-cesm2*'

# release-cesm2.0.0
# release-cesm2.0.1
# release-cesm2.1.0
# release-cesm2.1.1
# release-cesm2.1.2
# release-cesm2.1.3
# release-cesm2.2.0

# Checkout the latest CESM production release of CESM2 'release-cesm2.1.3'
git checkout release-cesm2.1.3

# acquire all the model components from my_cesm_sandbox:
# To download of all components od CESM, you can run checkout_externals 

 # you can run checkout_externals with the status flag to show the status of the externals: (Optional)
./manage_externals/checkout_externals -S

# If there are problems, you might see something like:
e-  ./components/cam

# At this point you have a working version of CESM.
# if there was an unexpected interruption while downloading. 
# First try rerunning ./manage_externals/checkout_externals
# If there is still a problem, try running with logging turned on:

./manage_externals/checkout_externals --logging

# Get the version of CESM
git describe

Porting & validating CESM to your local machine/Laptop

The contents of the configuration files must correspond to the information on the target machine. To accomplish this, we must edit the config_machines.xml and config_compilers.xml files.

Navigate to the location of these files and make the changes to the contents listed below. The specific details are provided below.

These two files are found at:

cd $HOME/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/config/cesm/machines/

config_machines.xml file

MACH: is the name of your machine.

DESC: a text description of the machine. You can give your machine description here

NODENAME_REGEX: a regular expression used to identify the machine and must agree with compute nodes as well as login nodes

OS: the machine operating system

COMPILERS: compilers supported on the machine

MPILIBS: mpilibs supported on the machine

The machine & operating system name can be retrieved by running the following command in the terminal:

cat /etc/os-release
# or
# Example 
<machine MACH="yoni-elitebook">
<DESC>yoni-elitebook machine, os is Linux, 4 pes/node  </DESC>


  • CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT: the base directory where the build and run directories are written

  • DIN_LOC_ROOT: location of the input data directory

  • DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC: location of the atmospheric forcing

  • DOUT_S_ROOT: root directory of short-term archive files

  • BASELINE_ROOT: root directory for system test baseline files

  • CCSM_CPRNC: location of the cprnc tool

First, create the required directories

mkdir $HOME/projects/cesm/scratch
mkdir $HOME/projects/cesm/inputdata
mkdir $HOME/projects/projects/cesm/inputdata/atm/datm7
mkdir $HOME/projects/cesm/archive/case
mkdir $HOME/projects/cesm/baselines
export CIMEROOT=$HOME/my_cesm_sandbox/cime
mkdir $CIMEROOT/tools/cprnc/build/cprnc

Then, replace the paths as required


GMAKE_J: number of threads to pass to the gmake flag

BATCH_SYSTEM: batch system used on this machine

SUPPORTED_BY: contact information for support for this system

MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE: maximum number of threads/tasks per shared memory node on the machine

MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE: number of physical PES per shared node on the machine

mpirun: The mpi exec to start a job on this machine.

module_system: How and what modules to load on this system

      <mpirun mpilib="default">
	  <arg name="anum_tasks"> -np $TOTALPES</arg>
	  <arg name="labelstdout">--prepend-rank</arg>
      <module_system type="none"/>

Check & confirm the machine configurations

cd $HOME/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/

xmllint --noout --schema cime/config/xml_schemas/config_machines.xsd \

# Expected result:
$HOME/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_machines.xml validates

config_compilers.xml file

COMPILERS: compilers supported on the machine

MACH: is the name of your machine.

CPPDEFS: defines the file containing the C-pre-processing options

LDFLAGS: defines the linker flag

SCC: defines the *C *compiler

SFC: defines the Fortran compiler

SCXX: defines the C++ compiler

MPICC: defines the MPI C compiler

MPIFC: defines the MPI Fortran compiler

MPICXX: defines the MPI C++ compiler

CXX_LINKER: defines the fortran C++ linker

NETCDF_PATH: directory of the netCDF program

PNETCDF_PATH: directory of the parallel netCDF program

SLIBS: netCDF-C & netCDF-fortran libraries are given here here

Your config_compilers.xml file must contain the following information:

<compiler COMPILER="gnu" MACH="yoni-elitebook">
      <!-- LINUX -->    
	<append>-DFORTRANUNDERSCORE -DNO_R16</append>
	<append compile_threaded="true"> -fopenmp </append>
	<append>-L$HOME/CESM/Libs/netcdf-c-4.9.0/lib -lnetcdff 
    -L$HOME/CESM/Libs/netcdf-c-4.9.0/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdf -lm
    <append>-L/usr/local/lib/ -llapack -L/usr/local/lib/ -lblas</append>

Check & confirm the compiler configuration

cd $HOME/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/

xmllint --noout --schema cime/config/xml_schemas/config_compilers.xsd \

# Expected result:
$HOME/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_compilers.xml validates

Make a Test Run

# Move to the script directory 
cd $Home/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts

# Step1: Create a case
./create_newcase --case /home/yoni/projects/cesm/scratch/testrun \
--compset QPC4 --res f45_f45_mg37 --run-unsupported

# This is a 'simple climate simulation': known as aquaplanet 
# configuration at 4.5-degree resolution, using CAM4 physics. 
# It is much less computationally intensive run, 
# so it works well for this tutorial, only ~0.6GB of RAM required. 

# Move to the build and run directory 
cd $HOME/projects/cesm/scratch/testrun

# Generate a 3-day simulation for test purposes only
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=ndays,STOP_N=3

# Step2: Setting up the case

# This steps creates a namelists that controls the model behavior,
# creates the directory where the run happens, and configures additional 
# settings used by the the model.

# Step3: Building the model

# This step build, compile & creates the executable files of the model.
# It may take ~3-6 minutes  

If you get this output:
# Almost finished 😎

# Step4: Running the model

# The output files will be written in the archive directory

# These last step validates all the input data required by the 3-daya 
# model configurations, download if there are any missing data, 
# and run the simulation.

# Congratulations!, If the CESM model was successfully completed 🎉⭐🎉

CESM Model Output

Displaying the global surface temperature in Kelvin @ January 2001 00:00:00

Well done! 🥇🥇🥇 Your feedback is greatly appreciated!!!

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